Web 1


Objective: Students will be able to begin gathering important files that you wish to keep. You need to upload you files in a zipped folder to your google drive. All seniors should download any uploaded files asap while you still have access. 


Objective: Students will be able to add links to the their site menu.

How To Add Navigation Menu In WordPress 2024 (Step By Step)



Objective: Students will be able to create a sitemap using a plugin, without breaking the site. Once you have completed this step, start cleaning up your site (no one should be able to tell that it's a student project site). 






Objective: Students will be able to create a Contact Us page that uses form submission for their WP website. This will have to be configured.


Objective: Students will be able to create a gallery page and a about us page for their WP website.

Thumbnail Grid:

Descriptions or Captions:

Company Overview

Team Members

Company Culture

Achievements and Milestones

Client Testimonials

Community Involvement

Media Coverage

Contact Information

Visual Content

Call to Action (CTA)



Objective: Students will be able to create the Footer section for their WP website.

3-26-24 continued

Objective: Students will be able to come up with a theme for their website and create custom header images for the image slider (at least 3)

3-11-24 continued

Objective: Students will be able to come up with a theme for their website and create custom header images for the image slider (at least 3). 


Objective: Students will be able to develop practical skills and knowledge necessary for effectively managing a WordPress website. 



Join at www.kahoot.it


3-4-24 through 3-6-24

Objective: Students will be able to login to their Wordpress sites and become more familiar with the WP backend. 

2-26-24 through 3-1-24

Objective: Students will be able to log into Knowledge Pillars and continue practicing in Exam Sim Mode. 


Go to https://wordpress.com/

If you have an account, log in.

If you don't have an account, create one by clicking on Get Started on the top right.

Download the Template here

2/20/2024 continued

Objective: Students will be able to recreate the lion shown below. This is a Photoshop lesson.

This is a graded assignment!  Do your own work, save as you go, don't rush perfection.


2/12/2024 continued

Objective: Students will be able to log into Knowledge Pillars and continue practicing in Exam Sim Mode. 


Go to https://wordpress.com/

If you have an account, log in.

If you don't have an account, create one by clicking on Get Started on the top right.

Download the Template here


2/5/2024 continued

Objective: Students will be able to log into Knowledge Pillars and continue practicing in Exam Sim Mode


Preliminary Check at this link


2/2/2024 continued

Objective: Students will be able to log into Knowledge Pillars and continue working on the lessons. Your Test in Exam Sim mode is Today!


1-8-24  Continued thru 1-16-24

Objective: Students will be able to customize for the Ice Cream Shop website

Link to starter files

12-18  Continued

Objective: Students will be able to prepare for their semester exam by reviewing lessons 1 through 3 in Knowledge Pillars. Your exam will be in Quia. Make sure that you have an account and that you can log in. Your exam will have 70 questions.

11-27  Continued

Objective: Students will be able to create practice tests for lessons 3 & 4 in Knowledge Pillars. Complete one section at a time (3 then 4)

Wordpress Notes:


Upgrade Theme to 2023 (see your site)

11-6 through 11- 9

Objective: Students will be able to brush up on their HTML5 & CSS3 skills. The HTML Form with the JavaScript is for Web 3 only...at this time.  

Link to Starter Files


Practice using 3 different fonts.

Adding custom fonts: https://www.w3schools.com/cssref/css3_pr_font-face_rule.php

Basics of CSS Grid:

Placing Items:

Responsive Design:

Alignment and Justification:

CSS Grid Functions:

Browser Support:

10-30 continued

Objective: Students will be able to log into the student Wordpress Site to continue working on the Knowledge Pillars lessons



Objective: Students will be able to Create a practice test for lesson one & lesson two. Once you have created the practice test, you will complete it. 

10-10 continued

Objective: Students will be able to log into student web hosting and install Wordpress. You will use Wordpress to complete your lessons starting with Lesson 2. 



Objective: Students will be able to gain a basic understanding of how wordpress works.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kYY88h5J86A


The test will be postponed until Monday! Keep working in Code.org 


9-11 to 9-18 

Objective: Students will be able to create content on web pages, and learn how to structure and style web pages using HTML and CSS. You will have to create a Code.org account. CLICK HERE

Notes for Test


Objective: Students will be able to learn HTML & CSS by completing the tutorials located at CodeCademy.

Click Here


Objective: Students will be able to complete the HTML & CSS layout project by using web design skills learned thus far. Refer to your previous assingments for help. Happy Coding :-)


Objective: Students will be able to gain a solid understanding of HTML5, and file structure. The link below has additional HTML5 tags. 



Learn by Doing


Beginning HTML 

File Structure

Learning file structure is a very important aspect of learning HTML. 

I would like to explain how a website is structured in layman’s terms.  A website consists of a root folder that contains files with code in them (HTML, CSS,  JS, etc.) that can be linked from one to another.  

I will further condense this explanation to ‘Code inside of Files inside of Folders’.

We will now create a root folder for our website.  Follow the steps below exactly. 

1)  Right click (on the desktop) > New Folder

2)  Rename your folder to: Root_Folder  (FYI, you will have to double click on the name of the folder to rename it).

3)  Open Dreamweaver or any HTML text editor > Create a new file and save it as:  index.html

4)  Type the code shown below in your index.html file that you just created. 

HTML headings are defined with the <h1> to <h6> tags:


<h1>This is a heading</h1>

<h2>This is a heading</h2>

<h3>This is a heading</h3>

<h4>This is a heading</h4>

<h5>This is a heading</h5>

<h6>This is a heading</h6>


HTML Paragraphs

HTML paragraphs are defined with the <p> tag:


<p>This is a paragraph.</p>

<p>This is another paragraph.</p>


HTML Links

HTML links are defined with the <a> tag:


<a href="http://www.w3schools.com">This is a link</a>

***Google how to add a header, a footer and some menu links.***

From w3schools - Example:

A header for an <article>:



    <h1>A heading here</h1>

    <p>Posted by John Doe</p>

    <p>Some additional information here</p>


  <p>Lorem Ipsum dolor set amet....</p>



Objective: Students will be able to create a basic website menu using HTML and CSS. Your site is not done until you have duplicated the pages and made the menu work (link to other pages).



Objective: Students will be able to complete the 'HTML & CSS project' by following the code example.

Download starter files here:




5-8-23 - Continued - This project is for a grade.

Objective: Students will be able to create a custom grid layout for their website by following the tutorial. Once you have your layout, create a five page website beginning with your home page. Don't forget your (header, nav, main, aside, & footer). Create the site about some fictious business that you like. 


Certified Students Only - Click on the Certified Students tab to view your lesson.



Objective: Students will be able to conitnue to prepare for their certification exam. We will be switching to PLAN B. I will have a new practice test very soon.

We will also utilize the additional study curriculum specified for the certification exam.

<!DOCTYPE html>



    <title>Title of the document</title>


      .grid-container {

        display: grid;

        grid-template-columns: auto auto auto auto;

        grid-column-gap: 30px;

        grid-row-gap: 10px;

        background-color: #666;

        padding: 10px;


      .grid-container > div {

        background-color: #ccc;

        text-align: center;

        padding: 20px 0;

        font-size: 30px;





    <h2>Grid-column-gap property example</h2>

    <div class="grid-container">
















2-28 to 3-3 

Objective: Students will be able to prepare for their certification exam. ***Your progress will be graded on Wednesday and you will have a cert-prep evauation on Friday.*** Your goal should be 90 or higher!

Part 1 - https://www.quia.com/quiz/8338452.html

Part 2 - https://www.quia.com/quiz/8341347.html

Cert Prep PDFs


Objective: Students will be able to learn and practice writing HTML5, CSS, and JS code

Download PDFs


Objective: Students will be able to practice for their certification exam. ***Your progress will be graded on Wednesday and you will have a cert-prep Quiz on Friday.*** Your goal should be 90 or higher!

Part 1 - https://www.quia.com/quiz/8338452.html

Part 2 - https://www.quia.com/quiz/8341347.html

Cert Prep PDFs


Objective: Students will be able to complete CIW and move on to the practice test for the certification exam. You will be graded on your progress this Wednesday. ***Your progress will be graded on Wednesday and you will have a cert-prep Test on Friday.*** Your goal should be 90 or higher!

Part 1 - https://www.quia.com/quiz/8338452.html

1-23 to 1-27

Objective: Students will be able to complete CIW. You will be graded on your progress this Wednesday (Cards, Quizzes, & Knowledge Checks). ***You will have a 20-question QUIZ on Friday on lessons 9 & 10.***   



Objective: Students will be able to work towards completing CIW. You will be graded on your progress this Wednesday (Cards, Quizzes, & Knowledge Checks). ***You will have a 25-question test Friday on lessons 7 & 8.***   


1-13-23  QUIZ 

Objective: Students will be able to complete the Web Quiz.

1-9 to 1-13  2nd Semester 

Objective: Students will be able to create an advanced CSS menu by following the video tutorial in Step 1. In Step 2, students will build a webpage using a CSS Grid Layout. Remember to duplicate your home page to create additional pages. Scroll down to access the CSS Grid link

Step 1

Click Here to access the tutorial.

Step 2

12-12 to 12-21 

Objective: Students will be able to take / prepare for their Semester Exams


12-5 to 12-9 

Objective: Students will be able to prepare for their Semester Exams


Test Prep Tutorial

11-28 to 12-2 

Objective: Students will be able to brush up on their web design skills using the code.org platform.   

Here is a join link if you need it: https://studio.code.org/join/KMKKZP

The begining lesson links are below. You may go to the next lesson when done. 




Objective: Students will be able to prepare for the retake of the test. Others should continue working in CIW/uCertify focusing on completing all unfinished lessons. 


Test Prep Tutorial


Objective: Students will be able to continue working in CIW/uCertify focusing on completing all unfinished lessons. You need all green dots all the way across. 



11-1 to 11-4

Objective: Students will be able to continue creating a 3 page website about a fictitious business.   



Objective: Students will be able to create a timeclock & a weather forecaster using App Lab at code.org.   

10-18 to 10-26 

Objective: Students will be able to continue working in CIW focusing on completing lessons 3, 4, & 5. You will be graded on 3, 4, & 5 this week (Cards, Quizzes, & Knowledge Checks). ***You will have a 40-question test next week on lessons 1 through 5.***   



Objective: Students will be able to continue working in CIW focusing on completing all unfinished lessons. You need all green dots all the way across. 



Objective: Students will be able to modify an image slider and add an extra slide by following the w3schools tutorial and experimenting with the code. You will have to locate or create your own photos for your slider.



Objective: Students will be able to complete Lessons 1, 2, & 3 in uCertify. Your test grade will be taken from your quiz scores in lessons 1, 2, & 3. https://ciw.ucertify.com

Objective: Students will be able to complete Lesson 1, and move on to Lesson 2. I will collect a Quiz grade from your quiz average for Lessons 1 & 2 this week. NEXT WEEK you will have a test on Lessons 1, 2, & 3.   https://ciw.ucertify.com


9-19 thru 9-20

Objective: Students will be able to create the webpages below and make sure the code works properly. We should have access to our curriculum this week.


Objective: Students will be able to practice their Photoshop skills by following the Blending Images PS tutorial below.



Objective: Students will be able to gain a better understanding of HTML & CSS by following along in the lesson. 

9-8 thru 9-10

Objective: Students will be able to complete the HTML & CSS layout project by using web design skills learned thus far. You will need to use background-color, border-radius, padding, margin, text-align: center, and 3 article tags nested inside of your main tags.  

Use w3schools for help! Happy Coding :-)


Objective: Students will be able to pick up where they left off yesterday creating a simple HTML & CSS website layout. Next, duplicate your page 3 times, modify the colors of the squares on the newly created pages, and lastly, link the pages together. Note:  Some students will need the help of w3schools to complete this (website links, etc.).  All four pages should look like different checker boards. 


Objective: Students will be able to create a simple HTML & CSS website layout.

Your webpage should look like the example below once it has been completed. 



Objective: Students will be able to create a basic website menu using HTML and CSS.


HTML5 & CSS Quiz 2022 https://www.quia.com/quiz/6072014.html

 8-24 to 8-26

Objective: Students will be able to create a basic HTML page by using the code example as well as w3schools.

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/jhGHXAnNNzM" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>



Objective: Students will be able to practice HTML by following the tutorial located at w3schools.


8-23 through 8-24

Objective: Students will be able to practice writing HTML by setting up the file structure and placing the HTML file in the root folder, etc.

Learn by Doing


Beginning HTML 

File Structure

Learning file structure is a very important aspect of learning HTML.  This will focus on file structure.

I would like to explain how a website is structured in layman’s terms.  A website consists of a root folder that contains files with code in them (HTML, CSS,  JS, etc.) that can be linked to one another.  I will further condense this explanation to ‘Code inside of Files inside of Folders’.

We will now create a root folder for our website.  Follow the steps below exactly. 

1)  Right click (on the desktop) > New Folder

2)  Rename your folder to: Root_Folder  (FYI, you will have to double click on the name of the folder to rename it).

3)  Open TextEdit or any text file editor > Create a new file and save it as:  index.html

4)  Type the code shown below in your index.html file that you just created. 

How do I write HTML on Mac?

Create an HTML file

HTML headings are defined with the <h1> to <h6> tags:


<h1>This is a heading</h1>

<h2>This is a heading</h2>

<h3>This is a heading</h3>


HTML Paragraphs

HTML paragraphs are defined with the <p> tag:


<p>This is a paragraph.</p>

<p>This is another paragraph.</p>


HTML Links

HTML links are defined with the <a> tag:


<a href="http://www.w3schools.com">This is a link</a>

***Google how to add a header, a footer and some menu links.***

From w3schools - Example:

A header for an <article>:



    <h1>A heading here</h1>

    <p>Posted by John Doe</p>

    <p>Some additional information here</p>


  <p>Lorem Ipsum dolor set amet....</p>


9-7 thru 9-10

Objective: Students will be able to complete the HTML & CSS layout project by using web design skills learned thus far. You will need to use background-color, border-radius, padding, margin, text-align: center, and 3 article tags nested inside of your main tagsHappy Coding :-)

Objective: Students will be able to practice writing HTML by setting up the file structure and placing the HTML file in the root folder, etc. Continue this lessson by adding a menu to your page. You will also need a header section and a footer section. This is a graded assignment!


Objective: Students will be able to create the Footer section for their WP website.